How To Avoid Washing Machine Damage

Being left without a washing machine can cause havoc, especially in a family home.

With kids having a habit of getting extremely mucky extremely fast, a washing machine is an essential part of daily life.

Nobody wants to spend their day smelling bad, or hiding their stained shirts at work, meaning a washing machine is truly man’s best friend.

However, as with most friendships, there are certain things that you can do that your washing machine won’t appreciate at all.

Certain laundry mistakes can slow down the way your washing machine functions, shorten the lifespan of your machine or outright break it.

So, to avoid a handwashing hullabaloo and resorting to a bathtub and a washboard, it’s important to take care of your beloved washing machine.

Here’s how to avoid disaster and keep your washer running like a dream – and in extreme cases, who to call if you can’t:

Measure your detergent

When you are in a rush it can seem like a clever shortcut to just estimate how much detergent you are putting into your wash.

However, it is always worth taking that extra half a minute to check the packaging to see how much detergent to use and measure out the right amount.

Not only will using too little detergent in your wash fail to give you the fresh smelling laundry that you want, but using too much detergent can clog your washing machine.

Around a tablespoon of detergent is plenty for a regular load, with the exception being, if you have extremely dirty clothes such as gym wear or a muddy football kit.

So, don’t be fooled by the size of the measuring cup that comes with the detergent and simply filling it to the top. Instead read the markings on it! Using the correct amount will help to prevent your needing to cash out for a technician to repair your washer.

Overfilling the machine can damage it

While it may seem convenient to pile as many clothes as you can into your machine and get it all out of the way, this can do more damage than good.

It’s a good idea to only fill your machine 3/4 full, as overloading your appliance could damage your machine’s drum.

Even if your washer remains intact after a particularly heavy load, overfilling the device reduces the efficiency of the wash. This means your clothes will not come out as clean as they should and risks you having to wash them all again.

Following this rule will reduce the risk of you needing to spend money on any unnecessary washer repairs, keeping your home functioning at full potential.

Zip up

Leaving zips undone when throwing them in the washer can cause damage to other clothes.

The teeth on a zip and other fasteners can snag other clothes while tumbling round in the laundry machine or dryer.

While you’re checking your pants pockets for keys and change before doing the wash, also remember to do zips up to save yourself some major time with a sewing machine later!

Have the machine on a flat surface

Having your machine on a non-flat surface can damage the components inside of your machine leading to you needing to seek a  to washer repairs professional.

This happens due to the unnatural vibrations wearing out the appliance’s components, like the shock absorbers and bearings which will change the way that the machine functions.

Clean your machine

Another top tip to keep your appliance functioning perfectly is to learn how to clean a washing machine.

Doing this will avoid a build-up of dirt, grime or detergent in your machine and ensure that there’s no danger of a breakdown because of this.

Putting in a few extra minutes to keep your washing machine in good shape is a great way to save yourself money and avoid problems in the long term.

If you tried out these steps a little too late, not to worry. Chances are, our Glotech engineers can get your machine up and running again in a flash. Book an appliance repair today and get your laundry back on track.

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