frequently asked questions Help & Advice

How to check your washing machine or washer dryer filter for blockage

Before checking your washing machine or washer dryer filter for blockage, always makes sure the machine is isolated from power to avoid risk of harm. 1. Locate the filter cap, on most washing machines this is located at the bottom on the front kf the machine to the left or right behind a flap. If yours is not obvious please consult the user manual for your machine or seek professional help. 2. Once located place a large beach towel or tray (a baking tray usually works) under the filter to catch water. 3. The filter is a screw mechanism and rotates anti clockwise to undo. Slowly turn it anti clockwise. Be prepared for water to leak out as it is below the water level of…

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Modern domestic kitchen

The Benefits Of Integrated Appliances

When installing a new kitchen, there’s an overwhelming amount of choices to make that can affect both its appearance and the way that it works. One of these choices is whether to opt for appliances that are built into your cupboards and worktops or free-standing ones. We’re here to go through the benefits of having integrated appliances in your built-in kitchen. Integrated appliances are concealed, as opposed to regular appliances which are usually plainly visible and distinct. With most appliances, integration means that they are fixed to the inside of the cupboard door so that, from the outside, they match the rest of the kitchen and are completely hidden from view. Built-in appliances are also great ways to save space in small kitchens, as it’s…

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Cleaning gas hob

How To Clean A Gas Hob

Cooker hobs become coated in food, oil splashes, and general dirt and grime all too easily. In order to maintain your gas hob and keep it at its best for years to come, you should expect to maintain it daily as well as giving it a deep clean every few weeks or after cooking a messy meal. Having a clean stove top can drastically improve the appearance of your kitchen, as well as keep bacteria and house flies at bay. Whether you live in rented accommodation or are a home owner, it’s important to maintain your cooker hob properly in order to prolong its life. A dirty hob can exacerbate already existing problems, such as gas burners that won’t stay lit or turn off, and…

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Spoon in microwave

Five Common Microwave Problems & How To Fix Them

Microwaves are great inventions and have simplified cooking and heating certain foods by the simple push of a button. Despite their simplicity, though, they can have faults, just like other appliances. To know whether or not there’s an easy fix for your microwave problem or if you need to arrange for your microwave to be repaired, you first have to establish what the problem might be with it. Here are five of the most common microwave faults: Microwave sparking Sparks in a microwave can be a scary sight, but generally it’s not a cause for worry, if the cause of the spark is remedied as soon as possible. The most common reason for a sparking microwave is caused by the presence of a metal object…

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fridge thermometer

How To Measure Fridge Temperature

It’s important to keep food stored at the right temperature to avoid meat and dairy products from developing or growing unwanted bacteria or enzymes. Or, freezing and damaging foods such as salad and dairy products. A fridge that won’t cool down, or one that’s too cold, won’t do its job properly, meaning the food you store in it might have to be thrown out. Although, generally, fridges do a good job of maintaining temperatures, there are a range of issues that can cause too high or low temperatures in your household fridge. Knowing how to check a fridge’s temperature will help you determine whether it is suffering from a temperature keeping issue and decide whether you need to repair it. What makes a fridge cold?…

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lint filter washing machine

How To Stop Lint From Sticking To Your Clothes

Lint is the word used for the tiny fibres of fabric that are shed from the edges of clothes, most often when you wash them in a washing  machine. These fibres tend to stick to the surfaces of other clothes and make it so that they don’t look fully clean, even straight after they’ve been washed. Fabrics made of natural fibres like wool and cotton generate more lint than fabric made from synthetic materials, and some washing machines might be more likely to create lint problems than others. This can be symptomatic of a faulty washing machine, or it can just be a problem with your washing processes. Lint shed from lighter clothes onto darker ones and vice versa can give clothes a worn, faded…

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Tips for Choosing a Letting Agent or Property Management Company

There are many reasons why, as a landlord, you may choose to operate your properties through a letting agent or property management company. If you own multiple rental properties, or a property in another town, or even if you would prefer a ‘hands-off’ approach – deciding on a letting agent or property management agent that can manage the day-to-day could be the right choice for you. Outsourcing this responsibility can have many benefits, especially if rental properties are a second income. However, choosing the perfect agency for your property is essential. This blog considers the factors that will help you to decide which lettings agent is best for you. The different types of letting agents Although it may not be obvious at first glance, there…

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